Latest News

Our 2023 sustainable development report came out!

Find the Foundation's activity report 2023

Fondation de Luxembourg launches a climate foundation

The Indosuez Foundation launches a call for projects

Indosuez People & Planet's management mandate obtains the LuxFLAG

Indosuez Wealth Management | CSR Report | 2022 | Corporate | Green | Sustainability | Sustainable Development

Indosuez publishes its CSR Report 2022

Kriibskrank Kanner | Luxembourg | cheque | Indosuez

Solidarity of the teams in favour of the Kriibskrank Kanner association

blue | ocean | sea | marine | water | coral

Indosuez Blue Cycle, an investment solution with a solidarity component

trees | environment | forest | ecosystem | sustainability | green | leaves | woods

Indosuez mobilises for ESDW and releases new CSR report

Nature | Biodiversity | Solidarity | Indosuez | Foundation | Luxembourg | Olivier Chatain | Sandra Simon | cheque

Indosuez committed to biodiversity in Luxembourg

bee | flower | pollination | nature

Indosuez beehives: combining biodiversity protection and awareness

hands | team | together | solidarity

Indosuez teams in Luxembourg get involved in skills sponsorship